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Why this?

I guess I should explain myself and my fondness for all things society would deem spooky.

As a kid my favorite things were Beetlejuice, Ghostbusters and Monsters. My Grandfather loved Halloween and the Universal monsters. I would sit on his lap and watch the black and white films with him as he explained to me their madness. I remember my first trip to Florida when I was five years old and being so excited when we arrived to Universal Studios because I would be able to see Beetlejuice. Beetlejuice's Graveyard Revue was my love for years.

Time after time I would replay the family vacation video and fast forward it to that part so I could see my monster celebrities and dance along. (Recently, I went to see the show again and regret it. I should have left that alone)

When I was seven, I watched the first film that ever scared me with my Dad.

It was The Gate. As expected, I was pretty freaked out; Mostly because Barbies come to life and there are creepy little demons running around... You may think, 'Wow, what kind of person would allow their young kid to watch such a terrible thing?' But really, I think my parents could sense that I could handle the subject matter and would probably enjoy it too at that.

On the playground, my favorite memories were playing witches with my friends (Inspired by Hocus Pocus and frowned upon. Witchcraft and Wizardry wasn't normal back then like it is now thanks to Harry Potter) and sharing scary stories.

When I was ten, my Dad introduced me to what he considered the holy grail of horror movies... The Exorcist. The make up and storyline were appreciated but I was unimpressed with the level of fear I felt.

As a teenager, I was my own pathetic version of Lydia Dietz; Listening to my goth music, drowning in black, only watching anything with suffering in it.

As a young adult, I realized that my self absorbed/self inflicted ways were boring and not a true representation of myself. I then transformed into some edgy, artist attending an expensive and prestigious art college. After the starving Detroit artist thing proved unsatisfying, I quit and tried many other paths; unemployed hermit, craft lady, film production assistant, sorority girl, fashionista. I transitioned a million different times into the bizarre person I am today.

Now, I'm here.... writing in a bloggy blog and returning to my horror roots; Inspired by the countless movies I've seen, spooky stories I've told and everything to come.

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