I’ve been playing Five Nights at Freddy’s on my phone and tablet recently.
I know it has been out a while and honestly I don’t know what I was waiting for to download it. I heard about FNAF all across reddit on ‘Scariest Games’ threads but I just figured it was going to be too time intensive or the controls would be wonky since I am playing on small devices. Not the case at all.
Ultimately what makes FNAF awesome is its simplicity. You only have three tasks; watching the cameras, guarding the doors and keeping the power up to last the night. What are you guarding the doors from? Oh, just crazed Chuck’e’Cheese animatronics that want to stuff you into a fur suit. Cute! So far, I have not made it the five nights. I end up freaking myself out and in my panic, not closing the doors in time. I love and hate that this game has the ability to get me to psych myself out. (Plus I have a dog at home that seems to bark randomly throughout the game adding to the jump scares and a boyfriend that startles me unintentionally when things are getting intense hasn’t helped thus far either. )
If you have been waiting to check it out, do it! You won’t regret it.