So, I'm here and sorry for the lack of reviews, posts and articles. It has been a grueling month or so... Very busy with my job and busy outside of work too. Lots of wine... Lots of puppy snuggles... Lots of dreaming about taking a vacation has got me through.
Make sure to follow my Instagram or Twitter for any updates in-between blog posts. I'm usually on there if I have something good to share and don't feel like writing about it.

To finally feed my soul, I visited my favorite haunts in St. Augustine (I mean that in both forms of the word😉). St. Augustine always seems to do the trick for me.
If you haven't been, you must. There is always something charming and captivating around every corner.
​The Milltop Tavern has been demolished since my last visit and it is now an archaeological excavation site which is intriguing. Always something new to see among the old.
I have also started reading again. I always hated reading because it puts me right to sleep but it is a little harder to doze off when you are reading about all the things that could possibly go bump in the night! Just finished Savannah Shadows by Tobias McGreif, A history of Ghosts by Peter Ackroyd and I'm in the middle of Spook by Mary Roach. I purchased the interesting collection in the photo to the right as my 'up next' reads and started a trial of Audible which has a surprisingly large collection of paranormal and horror selections.
So that is what I have been up to. Nothing too exciting to share at this point but hopefully I will have some fun news soon. ;)
- xoxo, Pretty Scary