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For better... or for worse

I've been busy trying to plan a wedding so, sorry for the lack of reviews. Secretly picking places with a lot of 'history' and mystery; what else would you expect from me? 😘 Maybe there will be a few extra guests at the wedding if you catch my drift. 

I did sign up for Netflix Disc service again so that should speed up my rate of reviews. Saw The Belko Experiment last night and I wasn't even impressed enough to write more than this sentence about it. Lately, I've been watching The Handmaid's Tale and Game of Thrones.

This weekend will entail going to some wedding venues buttttt one is very close by to 'Spook Hill' so I will be making a pit stop there to kick off some adventures & writing for Florida Fringe, my other website that is coming soon. Spook Hill is one of those illusion attractions where supposedly ghosts are pushing you up hill but in reality it is just a mind trick. I've been hearing about this since I was a kid and can't wait to see for myself.

Also, Michael's is a must this weekend. My Instagram is full of halloween decor blasts and I need to up the ante. I've been looking for an old ceramic Christmas village to turn into a Halloween village for the longest time and haven't found anything... might just need to start off my set with a premade Creature Sitting house. It's too cute.


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