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Stan Against Evil

So, while bored waiting for our next Netflix disc to arrive the fiance clicked on Stan Against Evil to watch in the background on Hulu.

Turns out, this show is better than background watching.

The show has a lot of snarky remarks, horror tropes and monsters.

It starts off with a man losing his wife and upon opening her craft room and reflecting on her life he learns that she was really a witch hunter.

Each episode is it's own cute little story and wraps up in that episode. The monsters are done either with pretty decent makeup on an actor or they are puppets that are so terrible it is funny. John C. McGinley, who you might remember from Scrubs or the Belko Experiment, has the worst attitude and the best remarks to all of the paranormal activity.

It's worth checking out!

Season One is currently available to watch on the IFC channel or through Hulu.

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