Halloween (1978) Film FactsReady for the new installment of the Halloween franchise? The release is right around the corner, 10/19. Halloween Horror Nights...
Poltergeist Facts!The Poltergeist is one of my all-time favorites and one of the first horror films which is why I am very excited to experience the...
Le temps passeI’m alive! I haven’t posted since Christmas and even before then I had been phoning it in. I’m on the other side of whatever the hell...
The ReturnI apologize for the unannounced and unintended two month hiatus. Fall is my favorite time of the year but it also launches time into warp...
Halloween Giveaway!Halloween Giveaway! 🎃💀In lieu of Friday the 13th you can win fun shotglasses by going here: goo.gl/iZSYPq
Gerald's GameNetflix just released another original film this past weekend, Gerald's Game, based on the Stephen King novel. I watched the trailer and...
IrmaIt has been a crazy week bracing for Irma's impact. I feel like during the apocalypse, Floridian's will have a natural edge because the...
American GodsSo, we binge watched American Gods this week on our Amazon Prime Starz Trial. Based on the teaser trailers, story by Neil Gaiman and...
Wes Craven's New NightmareI have watched all of the Freddy films before and frankly, they bore me. The first is a classic but after that they get a little...